© Keep Saraland Beautiful. All Rights Reserved. Website design and hosting by North Mobile Internet Services, Inc.


13 March

Next Meeting

Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every other month at 12 noon at the Saraland Chamber Offices.

Keep Saraland Beautiful Adopt-A-Spot

Adopt-A-Spot is a part of Keep Saraland Beautiful, Inc. Click here for an Adopt-A-Spot Application. Our mission is to improve the natural beauty of Saraland with landscaped green spaces along Saraland Boulevard and Industrial Parkway and to improve civic pride in the business district of the City of Saraland. How the program works 1. All Adopt-A-Spot sites have been permitted by the Alabama Department of Transportation. 2. All sites are $100.00 per month, invoiced quarterly. Plus a one time charge of $250.00 for the sign and post. 3. Adopt-A-Spot replaces dead or damaged plants. 4. Bryant Landscaping is paid by Adopt-A-Spot to maintain all sites. 5. To join Adopt-A-Spot contact Ron Mitchell at phone: 251-591-6872, Email: <ronniekmitchell@gmail.com>.
Adopt-A-Spot Members 1. China Doll Rice and Beans 2. Azalea Coffee Service 3. Brett/Robinson Real Estate 4. Trustmark Bank 5. Sister Schubert’s Homemade Roll & China Doll, Rice & Beans 6. S/M Transportation, Inc. 7. Available - Cleveland Road & Hwy 43 8. Kelly’s Pest Control 9. Saraland Lions Club 10. Bryant’s Grounds Maintenance
Mayor Dr. Howard Rubenstein, Council Chair Joe McDonald, Council Members: Newton Cromer, Wayne Biggs, Natalie Moye and Veronica Hudson

Join Keep Saraland Beautiful

Business Membership Your business can join KSB for as little as $120 per year. Your dues are used for beautification of the city. When available, Business Members are entitled to the use of a custom-built garbage receptacle to be used at your business' location as long as you are a member. We need to build partnerships with the business community and you can help! Individual Membership Join Keep Saraland Beautiful as an Individual Member for as little as $12 or join as a family for $25. Your dues are used for beautification of the city. We need volunteers to join our organization for the betterment of Saraland!
Business Membership Form Business Membership Form Individual Membership Form Individual Membership Form
© Keep Saraland Beautiful. All Rights Reserved. Website design and hosting by North Mobile Internet Services, Inc.


13 March

Next Meeting

Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every other month at 12 noon at the Saraland Chamber Offices.

About Keep Saraland Beautiful

Adopt-A-Spot is a part of Keep Saraland Beautiful, Inc. Click here for an Adopt-A-Spot Application. Our mission is to improve the natural beauty of Saraland with landscaped green spaces along Saraland Boulevard and Industrial Parkway and to improve civic pride in the business district of the City of Saraland. How the program works 1. All Adopt-A-Spot sites have been permitted by the Alabama Department of Transportation. 2. All sites are $100.00 per month, invoiced quarterly. Plus a one time charge of $250.00 for the sign and post. 3. Adopt-A-Spot replaces dead or damaged plants. 4. Bryant Landscaping is paid by Adopt-A-Spot to maintain all sites. 5. To join Adopt-A-Spot contact Ron Mitchell at phone: 251-591-6872, Email: <ronniekmitchell@gmail.com>.
Adopt-A-Spot Members 1. China Doll Rice and Beans 2. Azalea Coffee Service 3. Brett/Robinson Real Estate 4. Trustmark Bank 5. Sister Schubert’s Homemade Roll & China Doll, Rice & Beans 6. S/M Transportation, Inc. 7. Available - Cleveland Road & Hwy 43 8. Kelly’s Pest Control 9. Saraland Lions Club 10. Bryant’s Grounds Maintenance
Mayor Dr. Howard Rubenstein, Council Chair Joe McDonald, Council Members: Newton Cromer, Wayne Biggs, Natalie Moye and Veronica Hudson

Join Keep Saraland Beautiful

Business Membership Your business can join KSB for as little as $120 per year. Your dues are used for beautification of the city. When available, Business Members are entitled to the use of a custom-built garbage receptacle to be used at your business' location as long as you are a member. We need to build partnerships with the business community and you can help! Individual Membership Join Keep Saraland Beautiful as an Individual Member for as little as $12 or join as a family for $25. Your dues are used for beautification of the city. We need volunteers to join our organization for the betterment of Saraland!
Business Membership Form Business Membership Form Individual Membership Form Individual Membership Form