© Keep Saraland Beautiful. All Rights Reserved. Website design and hosting by North Mobile Internet Services, Inc.


13 March

Next Meeting

Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every other month at 12 noon at the Saraland Chamber Offices.

Welcome to Keep Saraland Beautiful

Keep Saraland Beautiful Yard of

the Month

Selections will rotate monthly to different parts of the city. The yard must have some seasonal color and one or more specimen trees. For full criteria and pictures of past Yards of the Month click the button below.


Adopt-A-Spot is a part of Keep Saraland Beautiful, Inc. Our mission is to improve the natural beauty of Saraland with landscaped green spaces along Saraland Boulevard and Industrial Parkway and to improve civic pride in the business district of the City of Saraland.
More Info More Info
The Keep Saraland Beautiful organization received its national certification as an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful in December 1999. This is a non-profit public education organization dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and environment of America and improving the waste handling practiced at the community level. It is a community based approach to changing the attitude and practices relating to litter and waste handling. The prime purpose of the Keep Saraland Beautiful program is to improve the aesthetic and ecological value of the city through litter control/prevention, proper handling of solid waste, beautification, public education awareness, recruitment of volunteers, and promotion of voluntary recycling. The program coordinates the cleanup efforts of the city as well as interacting with local business owners and managers. The programs targets "eyesores" throughout the city and seeks community resources to improve such sites as streets, rights of way, parking and vacant lots, loading docks and refuse areas. By having a local Keep America Beautiful affiliate we have access to a network of ideas that have worked and are working for other communities. The concept of changing the community for the better and increasing the community's pride can have long lasting benefits.

Our Mission

To encourage people living and working in Saraland to personally contribute to the improvement of the community

Recycling Ideas

KSB wants everyone to send us your ideas on how to reuse the center of paper towels - toilet paper rolls - wax paper etc. Let us see how many uses we can come up with!
Recycling Ideas Recycling Ideas

Residential Recycling

The City of Saraland has two types of residential recycling. The free SINGLE STREAM RECYCLING containers are located on Station Street and residents must take their recycling items to the collection station. Curbside Single Stream Recycling cost is $5.00 per month per resident and picked up every Tuesday.
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Mayor Dr. Howard Rubenstein, Council Chair Joe McDonald, Council Members: Newton Cromer, Wayne Biggs, Natalie Moye and Veronica Hudson
Mayor Dr. Howard Rubenstein, Council Chair Joe McDonald, Council Members: Newton Cromer, Wayne Biggs, Natalie Moye and Veronica Hudson


December 2024 We entered December with more seasonable weather than November. As I stated last month, the cooler temperatures helped our satsuma crop develop fantastic flavor. The cooler temperatures have also allowed our cool-season weeds to germinate and take hold. If you missed the pre-emergent herbicide application, remove the existing weeds before applying. If you applied a pre-emergent back in September, you will need to make another application later this month in order to remain weed-free for the rest of the winter months. NOAA predicts the following long-range weather trend: Temperatures – likely above normal Precipitation – leaning to below normal With the prediction of below-normal precipitation, keep in mind that if you plant anything in the next 3 months, have an irrigation plan. We are in year two of a drought. Though we did get some significant rain in November, our soil moisture is still in a deficit state. Most established plants will be ok, but some newly planted plants or those planted last year may suffer. The damage can range from wilting, stunting, tip dieback, to death. To reduce the risk, you will need to irrigate regularly to maintain consistent soil moisture. Applying or renewing mulch can help conserve soil moisture and regulate soil tempera- tures. You can also use mulch as a temporary protection for frost/freeze. Temporary, meaning you will cover the base of the plants with the mulch up the main trunk 18” to 24”. Once the threat of frost/freeze is gone, remove the excess mulch returning it to the normal level. Here are the chill hours as of December 1st: Brewton: Old Model - 19 Modified Model - 0 Fairhope: Old Model - 37 Modified Model - 22 Mobile: Old Model - 43 Modified Model - 23 Pascagoula: Old Model - 0 Modified Model - 0 Now is the time to submit soil samples for your landscape. If you have already done so and received the results, you should go ahead and apply the lime according to the recom- mendations. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy the outdoors!
More Gardening Tips More Gardening Tips
Keep Saraland Beautiful congratulates La Maison of Saraland for winning the “Quarterly Beautification Award.” This luxury apartment complex has everything from designer 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, a style-of-art fitness center, a resort-style swimming pool and is pet friendly. Stop by and see this five-star complex at 2955 Towneship Blvd, next to I-65 and and Hwy 158 in southwest Saraland.

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Unauthorized Dumps Video by ADEM

© Keep Saraland Beautiful. All Rights Reserved. Website design and hosting by North Mobile Internet Services, Inc.

Welcome to Keep Saraland Beautiful


13 March

Next Meeting

Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every other month at 12 noon at the Saraland Chamber Offices.

Keep Saraland Beautiful Yard of

the Month

Selections will rotate monthly to different parts of the city. The yard must have some seasonal color and one or more specimen trees. For full criteria and pictures of past Yards of the Month click the button below.


Adopt-A-Spot is a part of Keep Saraland Beautiful, Inc. Our mission is to improve the natural beauty of Saraland with landscaped green spaces along Saraland Boulevard and Industrial Parkway and to improve civic pride in the business district of the City of Saraland.
The Keep Saraland Beautiful organization received its national certification as an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful in December 1999. This is a non-profit public education organization dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and environment of America and improving the waste handling practiced at the community level. It is a community based approach to changing the attitude and practices relating to litter and waste handling. The prime purpose of the Keep Saraland Beautiful program is to improve the aesthetic and ecological value of the city through litter control/prevention, proper handling of solid waste, beautification, public education awareness, recruitment of volunteers, and promotion of voluntary recycling. The program coordinates the cleanup efforts of the city as well as interacting with local business owners and managers. The programs targets "eyesores" throughout the city and seeks community resources to improve such sites as streets, rights of way, parking and vacant lots, loading docks and refuse areas. By having a local Keep America Beautiful affiliate we have access to a network of ideas that have worked and are working for other communities. The concept of changing the community for the better and increasing the community's pride can have long lasting benefits.

Our Mission

To encourage people living and working in Saraland to personally contribute to the improvement of the community

Recycling Ideas

KSB wants everyone to send us your ideas on how to reuse the center of paper towels - toilet paper rolls - wax paper etc. Let us see how many uses we can come up with!
Recycling Ideas Recycling Ideas More Info More Info

Residential Recycling

The City of Saraland has two types of residential recycling. The free SINGLE STREAM RECYCLING containers are located on Station Street and residents must take their recycling items to the collection station. Curbside Single Stream Recycling cost is $5.00 per month per resident and picked up every Tuesday.
More Info More Info
Mayor Dr. Howard Rubenstein, Council Chair Joe McDonald, Council Members: Newton Cromer, Wayne Biggs, Natalie Moye and Veronica Hudson



December 2024 We entered December with more season- able weather than November. As I stated last month, the cooler temperatures helped our satsuma crop develop fantastic flavor. The cooler temperatures have also allowed our cool-season weeds to germinate and take hold. If you missed the pre-emergent herbicide application, remove the existing weeds before applying. If you applied a pre-emergent back in September, you will need to make another application later this month in order to remain weed-free for the rest of the winter months. NOAA predicts the following long-range weather trend: Temperatures – likely above normal Precipitation – leaning to below normal With the prediction of below-normal pre- cipitation, keep in mind that if you plant anything in the next 3 months, have an irri- gation plan. We are in year two of a drought. Though we did get some signifi- cant rain in November, our soil moisture is still in a deficit state. Most established plants will be ok, but some newly planted plants or those planted last year may suf- fer. The damage can range from wilting, stunting, tip dieback, to death. To reduce the risk, you will need to irrigate regularly to maintain consistent soil moisture. Applying or renewing mulch can help con- serve soil moisture and regulate soil tem- peratures. You can also use mulch as a temporary protection for frost/freeze. Tem- porary, meaning you will cover the base of the plants with the mulch up the main trunk 18” to 24”. Once the threat of frost/freeze is gone, remove the excess mulch returning it to the normal level. Here are the chill hours as of December 1st: Brewton: Old Model - 19 Modified Model - 0 Fairhope: Old Model - 37 Modified Model - 22 Mobile: Old Model - 43 Modified Model - 23 Pascagoula: Old Model - 0 Modified Model - 0 Now is the time to submit soil samples for your landscape. If you have already done so and received the results, you should go ahead and apply the lime according to the recommendations. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy the outdoors!
More Gardening Tips More Gardening Tips
Keep Saraland Beautiful congratulates La Maison of Saraland for winning the “Quarterly Beautification Award.” This luxury apartment complex has everything from designer 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, a style-of-art fitness center, a resort-style swimming pool and is pet friendly. Stop by and see this five-star complex at 2955 Towneship Blvd, next to I-65 and and Hwy 158 in southwest Saraland.

Click to View

Unauthorized Dumps Video by ADEM