© Keep Saraland Beautiful. All Rights Reserved. Website design and hosting by North Mobile Internet Services, Inc.


13 June

Next Meeting

Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every other month at 12 noon at the Saraland Chamber Offices.

Welcome to Keep Saraland Beautiful

Keep Saraland Beautiful Yard of

the Month

Selections will rotate monthly to different parts of the city. The yard must have some seasonal color and one or more specimen trees. For full criteria and pictures of past Yards of the Month click the button below.


Adopt-A-Spot is a part of Keep Saraland Beautiful, Inc. Our mission is to improve the natural beauty of Saraland with landscaped green spaces along Saraland Boulevard and Industrial Parkway and to improve civic pride in the business district of the City of Saraland.
More Info More Info
The Keep Saraland Beautiful organization received its national certification as an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful in December 1999. This is a non-profit public education organization dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and environment of America and improving the waste handling practiced at the community level. It is a community based approach to changing the attitude and practices relating to litter and waste handling. The prime purpose of the Keep Saraland Beautiful program is to improve the aesthetic and ecological value of the city through litter control/prevention, proper handling of solid waste, beautification, public education awareness, recruitment of volunteers, and promotion of voluntary recycling. The program coordinates the cleanup efforts of the city as well as interacting with local business owners and managers. The programs targets "eyesores" throughout the city and seeks community resources to improve such sites as streets, rights of way, parking and vacant lots, loading docks and refuse areas. By having a local Keep America Beautiful affiliate we have access to a network of ideas that have worked and are working for other communities. The concept of changing the community for the better and increasing the community's pride can have long lasting benefits.

Our Mission

To encourage people living and working in Saraland to personally contribute to the improvement of the community

Recycling Ideas

KSB wants everyone to send us your ideas on how to reuse the center of paper towels - toilet paper rolls - wax paper etc. Let us see how many uses we can come up with!
Recycling Ideas Recycling Ideas

Residential Recycling

The City of Saraland has two types of residential recycling. The free SINGLE STREAM RECYCLING containers are located on Station Street and residents must take their recycling items to the collection station. Curbside Single Stream Recycling cost is $5.00 per month per resident and picked up every Tuesday.
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Mayor Dr. Howard Rubenstein, Council Chair Joe McDonald, Council Members: Newton Cromer, Wayne Biggs, Natalie Moye and Veronica Hudson
Mayor Dr. Howard Rubenstein, Council Chair Joe McDonald, Council Members: Newton Cromer, Wayne Biggs, Natalie Moye and Veronica Hudson


With the heat of the summer settling in, it can be difficult to find the motivation to per- form gardening/landscaping activities. However, this is also the time that a lot of plants are in full bloom and attracting both pest and beneficial insects. The majority of the bene- ficial insects are pollinators. If you walk or sit in your landscape in the morning you will see the peak number of pollinators visiting your plants. Throughout the day you will see wasps, assassin bugs, and the like. In the late evening, you can see more assassin bugs and spiders. It is fascinating to watch how quickly they develop after hatching and how they set up territories. You can usually find them in the same landscape area every day. I highly recommend you sit and observe what goes on in your landscape at different times during the day. As much as I’d like not to have to think about hurricanes, the reality is that we must pre- pare for them. You can find lists of needed supplies for you, your family, and your home from various sources. What can or should we do for our landscapes? When planting trees and shrubs, planting them in groups will allow their roots to become intertwined resulting in a more storm-resistant planting. We can also prune to a more open canopy which will allow more wind to blow through resulting in reduced blowover and/or limb breakage. Newly planted trees and shrubs should be stabilized with staking to prevent blowover. Recently I read several articles about the benefits of house plants. Their air quality bene- fits are the most commonly known by most people. But there are more. They enhance air quality by absorbing toxins & producing oxygen, increase humidity, reduce noise levels, and create a more visually appealing and calming environment. Not to mention the feel- ings you get from taking care of them and the beauty they bring to your space. Here are some common fairly easy-to-grow plants to consider: Spider plant, Peace Lily, Rubber Plant, Snake Plant, Elephant Ears, various succulents & cacti, Ferns, Pothos & philoden- dron, English Ivy, and various herbs. Each of the plants and plant groups listed above has different light, soil, and watering requirements. For a successful experience choose your plant based on where you intend to put it and how much the plant needs fit into your schedule or lifestyle. In the vegetable garden. At this point in the summer squash, cucumbers, and tomatoes have pretty much played out. Some heat-tolerant and cherry tomatoes are still holding on but for the most part, the heat is taking its toll on them. With other vegetables, you have to scout regularly for insect pests. The insect population is continuing to increase result- ing in more feeding damage to your plants. Read the label of the insecticide you intend to use carefully. There have been many changes made to products that can affect their effec- tiveness and injure your plants. READ THE LABEL! Enjoy the outdoors!
More Gardening Tips More Gardening Tips
Congratulations to Southern Bleus Gift Shop, 90 McKeough Ave, for winning the “Quarterly Business Yard of the Month” from Keep Saraland Beautiful . Look for their Grand Opening the first week in May. They have an abundance of gifts for all your occasions, and a very special room for Alabama and Auburn fans.

Click to View

Unauthorized Dumps Video by ADEM

© Keep Saraland Beautiful. All Rights Reserved. Website design and hosting by North Mobile Internet Services, Inc.

Welcome to Keep Saraland Beautiful


13 June

Next Meeting

Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every other month at 12 noon at the Saraland Chamber Offices.

Keep Saraland Beautiful Yard of

the Month

Selections will rotate monthly to different parts of the city. The yard must have some seasonal color and one or more specimen trees. For full criteria and pictures of past Yards of the Month click the button below.


Adopt-A-Spot is a part of Keep Saraland Beautiful, Inc. Our mission is to improve the natural beauty of Saraland with landscaped green spaces along Saraland Boulevard and Industrial Parkway and to improve civic pride in the business district of the City of Saraland.
The Keep Saraland Beautiful organization received its national certification as an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful in December 1999. This is a non-profit public education organization dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and environment of America and improving the waste handling practiced at the community level. It is a community based approach to changing the attitude and practices relating to litter and waste handling. The prime purpose of the Keep Saraland Beautiful program is to improve the aesthetic and ecological value of the city through litter control/prevention, proper handling of solid waste, beautification, public education awareness, recruitment of volunteers, and promotion of voluntary recycling. The program coordinates the cleanup efforts of the city as well as interacting with local business owners and managers. The programs targets "eyesores" throughout the city and seeks community resources to improve such sites as streets, rights of way, parking and vacant lots, loading docks and refuse areas. By having a local Keep America Beautiful affiliate we have access to a network of ideas that have worked and are working for other communities. The concept of changing the community for the better and increasing the community's pride can have long lasting benefits.

Our Mission

To encourage people living and working in Saraland to personally contribute to the improvement of the community

Recycling Ideas

KSB wants everyone to send us your ideas on how to reuse the center of paper towels - toilet paper rolls - wax paper etc. Let us see how many uses we can come up with!
Recycling Ideas Recycling Ideas More Info More Info

Residential Recycling

The City of Saraland has two types of residential recycling. The free SINGLE STREAM RECYCLING containers are located on Station Street and residents must take their recycling items to the collection station. Curbside Single Stream Recycling cost is $5.00 per month per resident and picked up every Tuesday.
More Info More Info
Mayor Dr. Howard Rubenstein, Council Chair Joe McDonald, Council Members: Newton Cromer, Wayne Biggs, Natalie Moye and Veronica Hudson



With the heat of the summer settling in, it can be difficult to find the motivation to perform gardening/landscaping activities. However, this is also the time that a lot of plants are in full bloom and attracting both pest and beneficial insects. The majority of the beneficial insects are pollinators. If you walk or sit in your landscape in the morn- ing you will see the peak number of pollina- tors visiting your plants. Throughout the day you will see wasps, assassin bugs, and the like. In the late evening, you can see more assassin bugs and spiders. It is fasci- nating to watch how quickly they develop after hatching and how they set up territo- ries. You can usually find them in the same landscape area every day. I highly recom- mend you sit and observe what goes on in your landscape at different times during the day. As much as I’d like not to have to think about hurricanes, the reality is that we must prepare for them. You can find lists of needed supplies for you, your family, and your home from various sources. What can or should we do for our landscapes? When planting trees and shrubs, planting them in groups will allow their roots to become intertwined resulting in a more storm-resistant planting. We can also prune to a more open canopy which will allow more wind to blow through resulting in reduced blowover and/or limb breakage. Newly planted trees and shrubs should be stabilized with staking to prevent blowover. Recently I read several articles about the benefits of house plants. Their air quality benefits are the most commonly known by most people. But there are more. They enhance air quality by absorbing toxins & producing oxygen, increase humidity, reduce noise levels, and create a more vis- ually appealing and calming environment. Not to mention the feelings you get from taking care of them and the beauty they bring to your space. Here are some com- mon fairly easy-to-grow plants to consider: Spider plant, Peace Lily, Rubber Plant, Snake Plant, Elephant Ears, various succu- lents & cacti, Ferns, Pothos & philoden- dron, English Ivy, and various herbs. Each of the plants and plant groups listed above has different light, soil, and watering requirements. For a successful experience choose your plant based on where you intend to put it and how much the plant needs fit into your schedule or lifestyle. In the vegetable garden. At this point in the summer squash, cucumbers, and toma- toes have pretty much played out. Some heat-tolerant and cherry tomatoes are still holding on but for the most part, the heat is taking its toll on them. With other vegeta- bles, you have to scout regularly for insect pests. The insect population is continuing to increase resulting in more feeding dam- age to your plants. Read the label of the insecticide you intend to use carefully. There have been many changes made to products that can affect their effectiveness and injure your plants. READ THE LABEL! Enjoy the outdoors!
More Gardening Tips More Gardening Tips
Congratulations to Southern Bleus Gift Shop, 90 McKeough Ave, for winning the “Quarterly Business Yard of the Month” from Keep Saraland Beautiful . Look for their Grand Opening the first week in May. They have an abundance of gifts for all your occasions, and a very special room for Alabama and Auburn fans.

Click to View

Unauthorized Dumps Video by ADEM